sabato 8 agosto 2009

My Week: Bill Clinton

Monday I’m on the couch in a robe and some jockey shorts, watchin’ the game and having a good ol’ scratch of the ol’ veepees. That’s when my wife comes stormin’ in, demandin’ to know just who in the goshdarned hell is Kim. “Honey,” I sigh, “have you been reading my diary again?” Hillary says not to play her for a fool. Kim better not be one of those sluts of Berlusconi’s, she says. “Darlin’!” I say, and I tell her that Kim is the President of North Korea. There’s these two innocent lady journalists who strayed over the border, and now they’re lookin’ at 12 years of hard labour. So I’m flyin’ out to the rescue. Like James Bond. Hillary wants to know if these journalists are pretty. Continue ...

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